The best adventure so far
Just after Easter Foxette and I got to visit BBW with the Fox. It was one hell of an adventure and you can see my pictures here.
What can I say?
Easter Monday
We got up at the crack of dawn and went on the Big Choo Choo thing up to Newcastle to visit BBW. The first thing we did was go and get a bottle of brown!

After we'd settled into the hotel we headed out and about again on something called the Metro which BBW was very proud of (until we got in the same carriage as the Bank Holiday 'revellers' and then got stuck outside Jesmond station for longer than we'd have liked). We also walked for miles, went paddling, went on some seriously horrible twisty turny things one of which even the Fox didn't like; the Waltzer was particularly good, though BBW is convinced that it didn't use to spin quite so fast when he was a cub - shame we didn't get a picture of the G force effect on his face.(Ribbit, Ribbit!). We then drank fizz and ate chips on the beach and I can tell you after all the sea air we were all absolutely shattered.
This is the day we went to Beamish. I really learned a lot about my heritage that day. I went down a drift mine, sat on a netty, saw lots of big steamy things (not the netty! they don't get used anymore) and saw some very disturbing pictures of frogs with their insides showing in the big barbaric building thing which they called a school. Harumph - totally unnecessary. Fox and BBW took me out once they realised the extent of the trauma I was suffering. After that and a hectic trip back to Newcastle in the rattling bumpy thing I was bushed so I spent the rest of the night in watching the snooker.
This was the last day we all spent together. Fox got all excited about something called Lakeland Plastics and spent a fortune on CDs that she wanted but didn't need and we all went for an italian meal before Fox and Foxette headed back down to the big smoke.
So, its me and BBW for a while now. He's sourcing another frogcam and is planning lots of new outfits for me - I do like to dress up ... I'll keep you posted with more adventures soon.
where are you lovely frog prince?
tina xx
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