The Fox does this weird thing every now and then. She says she should do it more often but I'm not sure how she manages it as often as she does ... Having BBW wake her up at 5.30am! I ask you! Anyway, she took me with her this morning ...
We did a bit of running - only a mile, but I was starting to get bored because she forgot the headphones and I can't lip read so the news on the big picture things wasn't making much sense. We did some sitty uppy things on a big purple ball (I liked that) - Fox says I need to get my waist back in trim - I've spent too long sitting on badly shaped sitty things apparently and am now a bit 'wide' ... then we did some weight training.
I wanted to do it with the big dumbell, but I wasn't allowed. I did it with a little one though and after I'd done 3 sets of 15 chest presses I was pleased I hadn't done it with the big one. I think the likelihood of me being trapped under it would have been very high and in which case I would have been even wider and even flatter if that's possible ...
Anyway, here's me sizing up the dumbell.

Here's me lifting it ...

... and here's me doing a bit of posing in the mirror. (I saw some of the big boys doing it and thought it looked cool ...)

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